但是時間還是沒把握好 而且通常講了很久 儘可能舉一堆例子 結果沒說清楚這一段的大意..
我非常喜歡用平行結構句, 不知道為什麼 要改進一下
Issue36 第17篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户 共用时间:48分19秒 424 words
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.
By reading miscellaneous biopraghies and records, people has learned the successful method celebrities did nowadays, decades, hundred years or thousand years ago. Traditionally the greatness of individuals can be decided only by those live after them; however, in my opinion, I disagree with the idea and think that individuals can also be evaluated by their contemporaries.
Biographies, usually written by descendants, are full of materials which describe about what events an individual experienced during all his/her life. Columbus, a well-known nevigator, discovered America continent and communicated with Indians living there; Edison, inventor of electronic bulb, experimented more than 1800 times and produced the first bulb in the world eventually; Darwin, one of the best biologist in the past, developed a famous rule -- "The fittest survive." people who live after them gathered sufficent information of a celebrity and write down everything, including affairs, comments, reputation, and so on, making our life colorful. Wihout these biographies, students can not learned how Einstine thinked of something and how he relaxed himself in daily to observe trivial things surrounding him and then abruptly had inspiration under what circumstances; without Peter Drucker, businessmen and businesswomen will not easily figure out some siginificant and basic rules when trading with other companies, managing staffs and organizing plents of people or giving some awards to motivate employees. Because people who lived after them can give more objective than contemporaries comment to a celebrity, people nowadays can learned plenty of useful information in biographies.
On the other hand, the defination of greatness is not only used to delineate a person's whole life, but also to state something momentous in a given period. For example, Bill Coliton, former president of the United States, is considered as one of the best reformor comparing with predecessors. Although having affair with his secretary, he advocated several effective method to change the ecnomic environment in the United State, and there is no denying that he did a really a good job and he was invited and reported by Time Maganize. In addition, other famous celebrities, including signers, politicans, etc., also has been commented as a result of their great activities, such as subsidying poor people in the remote region, endowing money with non-profit institution and even inspiring people in sympathy on disabled person. In other words, dispite of subjectiveness to some extent when comtemporaries decide a alive person's greatness, it is appropriate to convey his/her greatness to all people in the world and let them learn what they do, how they return feedback to society whether earning a lot or not.
Consequently, a old idea which the greatness can be decided only by those who lived after them is not absolutely right and it can be refined. People with sufficent knowledge and experience can comment on contemporaries and decide their greatness, too.
- Mar 21 Sun 2004 15:22